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Future of Remote Work

What does the future of remote work look like?

Most of us are pretty accustomed to remote work, especially after two years of navigating a global pandemic that forever shifted the makeup of corporate business models. Now, many hiring managers are faced with the decision of how to continue accommodating remote work processes when more employees are contemplating whether to remain working remotely, shift their role on site, or some combination of the two.

According to StaffingHub, “Remote work isn’t necessarily a must-have among today’s job seekers — higher pay and career advancement opportunities are deemed more important. So while the ability to work from home may attract more candidates across a broader geographic area, it’s not the primary reason most are looking for a new job.”

At the end of the day, many workers will prefer the option of deciding on what work model is best for their style. Additionally, many argue that these workers are often more productive and happier “because they have no commute, less or no office small talk, fewer distractions, more time for family, exercise, a higher quality of life, and better overall work-life balance,” reports Apollo Technological.

There is also some evidence to suggest that remote workers put in more to their job than those employees that always work onsite. Owl labs reported that remote workers work over 40 hours a week 43% more than onsite employees. 

And while you’re here, don’t forget to view all of APC’s thought-leadership pieces, which cover a range of informational articles for both employers and professionals on topics like resume help, a study on the Great Resignationtop tech hiring trends this year, and more!

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