
Waya Award Nomination Form

Cherokee for Wolf, the Waya is a sacred animal to Native Americans and symbolizes family, teamwork, intelligence, dignity, respect, pride, loyalty, and success of a mission. The Waya Award is presented to individuals that demonstrate quality and excellence supporting client business objectives, as well as representing the attributes of the Wolf.

Please take a few moments to fill out the nomination form below for your outstanding APC professional.

For more information on APC’s Waya Award, please visit https://www.apcinc.com/about-apc/waya-award/

Nominator Information:
Who are you nominating?
Thank you for nominating your APC professional for the Waya Award! By submitting this form you acknowledge that all above statements are true and that this form may be utilized by APC for the Waya Award Program. Please note, you may be contacted to further discuss your nomination.

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